Friday, April 10, 2009


I mean well, I really do. I should be packing right now but I'm not. I'm doing what I do best...procrastinate.

The dishes are done, the kids are packed, the food is prepared for the cooler, I just gotta get off my duff and finish the rest of the packing, which really isn't too much. It's still freezing in Michigan since someone forgot to tell Mother Nature it was spring, so we're packing all of our winter stuff in the suitcases. We barely even wore winter stuff down here...

I also have to clean my whole house before I go anywhere, something I learned from my mother when I was young. I always wondered why she had us help her clean before we went out of town for a week, but as a wife and mother now, I totally understand. Who the heck wants to come home and have to clean a dang house? Not I.

So, I will be posting here and there when I get some time, but don't expect too much out of me in the next two weeks. HOWEVER, do be sure to stay tuned as there are some good giveaways coming up after my hiatus!


1 comment:

Mary H. said...

I do the same thing. I like to come home to clean sheets and fresh clothes and a clean sink.

Have a great trip!